August Itinerary

by angeliska on June 27, 2005

Fullblast torch song of summer
and itchy restless irritation only soothed
by cool salt baths and long hours of langour,
the sunlight dancing on your skin-
lit up golden arms bursting with sparks
from a slow breeze and I wake wanting
blueberries, smelling mimosa candytuft
and reaching out to pluck crepe myrtle blossoms
exploding from the tree outside my window..

These antsy feet only calmed by the prospect
of answering wanderlust’s hungry call-
I leave in August to travel with my Grandfather..
Our itinerary is as follows:
August 2 – New Orleans to Dallas
Dallas to Zurich
August 3 –  Zurich to Belgrade – 1 night
August 4 –  Guca – 4 nights
August 9 –  Belgrade to Athens – 3 nights
August 12 – Mykonos
August 13 – Rhodes
August 14 – Patmos
August 15 – Kusadasi
August 15 – Athens – 1 night
August 16 – Barcelona – 4 nights
August 20 – Madrid – 5 nights
August 25 – Madrid to Chicago              
Chicago to New Orleans 
If anyone has any advice, anecdotes, people and places I need to see,
or the possibility of meeting up in any of the above locales, please do let me know..

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