Pred dozhdot

by angeliska on July 30, 2005

So, on Tuesday we leave on our grand journey!
I can’t wait to see my beloved Grandfather-
to see the world and spend time with him..

He’s 91 years old, and the most amazing person I know.

I am looking forward to extracting myself from my ant-trail,
flinging myself farther afield than I have ever been before,
and to learning more about this mad, mad world..
Our first stop is Serbia..

Where I hope to engage upon historical research forays..

As well a fair bit of folk dancing!

And not to mention.. Other cultural activities!

On a more melancholy note, I just discovered that Davor Dujmovic is dead.

Born: 1969, Sarajevo (Yougoslavie)
Died: 3 june 1999, Novo Mesto (Slovenia), suicide

I had no idea. It happened quite a while ago..

Oh Perhan, why?

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