Fruit + Flower

by angeliska on March 25, 2009

All of a sudden it is really and truly Spring, and I can’t even
begin to say how relieved I am. Not that winter here is so insufferable-
(it’s really so mild and short) but ever since we started our little orchard,
this has become my favorite season! Everything is blooming like crazy,
and the air is fragrant with the perfume of countless blossoms..
Oh yes- happy belated Vernal Equinox! It got lost in the haze of SXSW, alas..
All the madness of the last month (which I shall recount in detail posthaste!)
required that I undergo massive decompression- which involves running
wild in the garden, digging in the dirt, staring at the sun, spinning in the rain,
swinging in the hammock, lots of reading, drawing, dreaming..

My friend Mr. Garbs presented me with this lovely Columbine the other day-
they are one of my very favorites.. Aren’t they the best fairy flowers?

Baby blueberries! We’re going to have bumper crop this year,
and I can’t wait for them to ripen so I can gobble them up!

The mandarin orange blossoms are so heady and covered with bees..
Their scent is thick like milk, and makes me want a Ramos Gin Fizz!

Nectarine blossoms peeking out! It’s hasn’t fruited for us yet, so fingers crossed!

The Venus Flytraps are thriving- check out those thick stems, eh?

These geraniums are totally psychedelic, and make me very happy.
We went by Gardens (a very fancy place indeed!) today and picked
up a whole bunch of wonderful plants- including a fuschia!
I can’t wait to try and not kill it- I know they are notoriously tricky..

I was instructed to eat lots of Swiss Chard today, which is not a problem
because it is maybe the most perfect food. A big storm rolled in this afternoon
and doused everything, making the leaves glisten. More of that please!

Our bougainvillea has finally decided to bust out- check out that colour!
Being outside today made my shoulders drop, I could breathe easier.
It felt good to have my hands on solid things- rocks, soil, vines..
Neighbors stopped by and we chatted en español (mine is terrible still, sadly)
and everyone was excited to see everything blooming..
I am so glad the days are longer now- I can stay outside until late,
spying on hummingbirds and mucking around in the beds- heavenly!


spring spring spring!!! when i walk out the back door the little orange tree is all blossoms and unreal scent, i keep burying my face in it and thinking about flapper brides…

by verhext on March 25, 2009 at 11:15 pm. Reply #

Wow, things are so far along down there already.

by Whimsy on March 25, 2009 at 11:43 pm. Reply #

what a gorgeous colourful garden you have! my little plot of dirt in the back doesn’t get very much sun at all, so not much will grow well back there. sigh. one day! though i do have a few hyacinth vines already taking off that i started from seed if you want some!

by lau on March 26, 2009 at 12:55 am. Reply #

Wooo sigh Lil’ Miss. Here the pussywillows are budding and the crocus flowers are blooming. I saw a hyacinth threating to open up the other day…aiye, but alas nothing compared to your lovely garden, I miss it and I miss the angel and coblin that live in it as well.
Much Love and compost! Smooch.

by Shine Earnesty on March 26, 2009 at 6:28 am. Reply #

How do you like to cook swiss chard?

by Virginia on March 26, 2009 at 7:21 am. Reply #

You should post a photo of the entire garden! I would love to see it in its entirety!

by b on March 26, 2009 at 9:49 am. Reply #

hooray beautiful spring! i want to come over and see the orchard – i bet all the trees are so much taller this year…you must come see Frances and I’s beautiful farmlet at the ABC garden soon. See you this weekend maybe maybe? Love, p

by Patience on March 26, 2009 at 10:31 am. Reply #

Blueberries! Oh, I wish I had more room.
How did your little lime tree ever make out? Mine has never bloomed, and I suspect it’s not getting enough sun, but I could have been duped into buying no-lime trees.

by opticwaste on March 26, 2009 at 11:50 am. Reply #

Why oh why, I ask myself do I not live in the South?!
The beautiful things you can grow there…and Venus Fly Traps!
You really have a fabulous garden.
I want to see MORE!!!!

by Sue on March 26, 2009 at 10:00 pm. Reply #

[…] spring & the garden is in bloom!! Angeliska’s post reminded me to speak with my lovely landlady and Urban Homesteader, Ruby, about planting some […]

by into the garden | verhext on March 27, 2009 at 3:02 pm. Reply #

Wow, your bougainvillea is early! Ours is still a ‘stick on the wall’ with tiiiny buds.
Geraniums tricky? That’s a first….I don’t know of any plant that is more uncomplicated and thrives in every soil and with little to no care. Or is this species different?
Beautiful pictures. Did you alter the colors or contrast in Photoshop or are you such a gifted photographer?

by lutos on March 28, 2009 at 7:26 am. Reply #

VIRGINIA: Lately, I’ve been cooking chard up with scrambled eggs for breakfast- it’s so good!
Carmelize some onions, sesame oil, a little balsamic- that’s about it.. Delicious..
B: I will soon when it’s a little more filled out! A lot of the beds are still pretty desolate!
OPTICWASTE: The lime tree is big and happy- no blooms, but a guy told us recently that his didn’t bloom for six or seven years!
One day, when we are old and gnarled we will all have lots of limes!
LUTOS: That one bougainvillea is all covered in flowers, but the other one my the pond has maybe one on it?
It never really froze this year, so.. No, geraniums are easy- it’s the fuschia I mentioned there that I’m hoping
I won’t murder! I’ve seen them doing okay here lately, so we shall see!
I just got a new camera, and was experimenting with it in the garden-
sometimes I have to bump up the contrast a touch, but on these
I pretty much just left them as they were. Pretty vibrant!

by Angeliska on March 30, 2009 at 6:05 pm. Reply #

here via our flickr accounts; astounded at the loveliness of your space here on the internets (in the world)! so many beautiful images and words. and you know two of my favourite peoples (verhext + lau)! hello hello hello. very pleased to meet you!

by annie on April 1, 2009 at 5:12 am. Reply #

OH, yet again. Spring makes me giddy, happy, and full of life. I will always think of how we took photos of Japanese magnolia blossoms at the same time in two different parts of the world. I felt like a part of our brief first encounter was rekindled with that conversation.

by Lara on April 4, 2009 at 12:52 am. Reply #

[…] Fruit + Flower […]

by This Bitter Earth – Vernal Equinox « Angeliska Gazette on March 22, 2017 at 12:04 am. Reply #

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