Search Results: exquisite corpse

Exquisite Corpse: TEEN GOTH part II.

by angeliska on December 1, 2011

I keep finding more and more amazing photos from my errant youth that I’d still never managed to get scanned in after all these years. Irritatingly, there are a few of my favorites that are still eluding me, though perhaps (…)

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Exquisite Corpse: Teen Goth!

by angeliska on November 30, 2011

This is Cinamon. I remember seeing her on the very same day, though I didn’t take this photograph of her. I was probably 12 at the time, and as I passed by her on The Drag down by Sound Exchange, (…)

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Exquisite Corpse – Pharaonic Photobooth

by angeliska on September 1, 2011

I’m just back in from my travels, and getting ready for Exquisite Corpse tonight, but thought I’d take a minute to post some photos from last month to amaze + inspire… Also – holy shit, look at this: If I (…)

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Exquisite Corpse – Stray Cat Strut

by angeliska on July 12, 2011

My look for the evening ended up looking something like if Dark Lily from Legend had ended up doing it with a cat on the side. Maybe one that had a penchant for KISS? This scene is definitely at the (…)

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Exquisite Corpse – Serpentine Gallery

by angeliska on July 6, 2011

We are the witches who bring you Exquisite Corpse: Lau – brain-melting hex projections Angeliska – hostess priestess Norah – door-empress gatekeeper Charlene – DJ Pasht – song sorceress! All photos by Devaki Knowles of Beautiful Monika and Nemesis (…)

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Exquisite Corpse – LOVECATS

by angeliska on July 1, 2011

For this month’s Exquisite Corpse, I chose the theme LOVECATS for a variety of reasons. Firstly, it falls on July 7th, which years ago I randomly decided was my beloved cat Junior‘s birthday. He was the most amazing cat I’ve (…)

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Exquisite Corpse – Cinco de Mayo

by angeliska on June 1, 2011

For this month’s Exquisite Corpse, we will be dedicating the evening’s festivities as a special memorial to some of our friends and heroes who have died this month: Ramon, crazy-cat extraordinaire, Leonora Carrington – the surrealist sorceress, and to Nefairia (…)

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Exquisite Corpse + Charm School Vintage

by angeliska on April 7, 2011

The other night, Miss Shari Gerstenberger of Charm School Vintage and I joined forces to style an inspiration shoot for Exquisite Corpse, and to kick off a lookbook to guide anyone seeking ideas on what to wear. As a young (…)

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Exquisite Corpse: The Phantom Photobooth

by angeliska on April 5, 2011

I can’t get enough of Devaki Knowles and her photo-magic! We just did a really fun shoot last night, and have more projects in the works, but for now I have to share the photobooth she did for the last (…)

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Exquisite Corpse: Black Rabbits

by angeliska on April 4, 2011

The next Exquisite Corpse night at the Swan Dive is quickly approaching, so amidst the flurry of anticipation and preparations, I thought I’d better get these fantastic photos up from the last soiree! All were taken by John Leach, tattooed (…)

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